SPF-050 How to Land a Publishing Deal – with Alex Clarke, Headline Publishing

What makes a book sell? Alex Clarke is a traditional publisher who understands the independent market as well. In this episode, he talks about writing and pitching your book in a way that will get it noticed by both publishers and consumers. You’ll want to hear every tip in this episode if you want a saleable book after all your writing efforts.

What books are publishers and consumers looking for?

What book genres sell the best? What role does the annual calendar play in how books are chosen? These questions and more are answered by Alex whose new imprint at Headline Publishing – Wildfire – has been created to try and capture those ‘water-cooler’ books that has everyone talking and Hollywood calling.

How to effectively pitch your book

Everyone wants their book to be noticed by publishers and consumers. Which part of the book is your most immediate marketing tool? Who buys and consumes the most books? Alex explains how to set expectations for your book and draw the most likely readers in. You’ll want to learn from his experience as he provides clear tips on how to pitch your book in a way that will make people want to read it!

Mistakes authors make and how to avoid them

For authors, seasoned or not, it can be easy to make some rudimentary mistakes when it comes to pitching and selling. Alex talks about those mistakes and gives plenty of insight into how to avoid them. You’ll feel better about the dreaded pitch-sell process after listening to what he has to say.

Traditional or self-publishing?

How do you get your book to be noticed by a publisher? How are the traditional and indie markets changing? Alex talks about new dynamics in publishing and the changing roles of publishers and authors. Are people reading more ebooks than paper? Which approach should you take? Tune in and find out the answers to all of these questions.

Outline of This Episode

  • [01:50] Introduction of Alex Clarke, a traditional publisher who also understands Indie market and the value of both industries.
  • [5:39] Alex Clarke talks about setting up a new imprint and describes the genres of books he will publish.
  • [8:50] What is the thought process that goes into setting up a new imprint?
  • [10:49] What will make publishers take notice of your book?
  • [19:41] Writing that appeals to the most frequent buyers and consumers.
  • [22:40] Mistakes authors make, and how to avoid them.
  • [27:40] The time and process involved in working with a traditional publisher.
  • [34:24] What is the impact of the explosion of self-publishing platforms on the traditional publishing industry?
  • [40:32] The key skill for getting your book noticed and increasing your sales.
  • [42:25] Conclusion, upcoming webinars and courses.

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