SPF-124: Novel Adaptation – Turning Books into Screenplays with Paul FitzSimons
Novelist, screenwriter and playwright Paul FitzSimons talks to James about his writing career so far, including adapting screenplays and producing independent films.
This week’s highlights include:
- The winding path of Paul’s screenwriting and writing for television
- Financing an independent film
- Dealing with rejection from trad publishers
- The skills necessary to transition from writing books to writing for the screen
- Being creative while following screenwriting rules
- Writing well-developed characters for the screen
- Enjoying the interpretation of your words by others in the creative filmmaking team
- The pitfalls of adapting a novel for the screen
Resources mentioned in this episode:
PATREON: Self Publishing Formula Podcast’s Patreon page
WORKSHEET AND COUPON: Paul has prepared a worksheet on screenwriting which you can access here. This includes a coupon code for his ‘Screenwriting From Your Sofa’ course.
Our Ads for Authors course is still open for business here.
FREE LIVE SPF WEBINAR! on Monday 18th June – Mark explains how to use Facebook ads to build your list and boost book sales. Spots are limited but you can sign up for it here.