More authors are co-writing books than ever. Here’s how to avoid some common pitfalls!
More authors are co-writing books than ever. Here’s how to avoid some common pitfalls!
Some indie authors feel as if they have to take everything on themselves. Here’s how to train a VA.
Amazon have made their A+ Content available to all authors – but what is it?
Selling individual books has been an industry staple for centuries. Here are some new ways to make money.
It’s easy to forget about all the other retailers when Amazon (seemingly) dominates your income.
It can be frustrating having to write around a day job. Here’s how to cope and even enjoy yourself before you make it big.
Becoming an indie author can be overwhelming. Here are five skills every indie author needs to learn.
So you’ve had a successful month – here’s how to maintain a consistent author income.
Author Central is a free tool for anyone who publishes on Amazon – here’s how to make the most of it.
Not every author needs to publish a book every month or set up massive ad campaigns.
Publishing freedom comes at a price. Here’s how to minimise your publishing costs.
Not everyone is a full-time writer (yet). Here’s how to make the most of your regular commute.
Here’s how to merchandise your books no matter your budget or audience size.
Kickstarter campaigns aren’t just for charities and prototypes. Here’s how to successfully crowdsource as an author.
Turning a profit doesn’t just involve spending more hours writing in a popular genre. Here’s how to increase the value of your time.
Sometimes even die-hard indies might consider a traditional publishing contract. Here are some aspects to consider.
Freebies can entice readers to join your mailing list, but can they help boost your book launches too?
Being a successful indie author isn’t just good writing. Here are some of the mindset traits you’ll need to adopt.
Going indie involves wearing a lot of hats. Is trad-publishing the right route for you?
You can’t earn money from it (yet), but here’s why authors should seriously consider the platform.