You can write the best words in the world, but it makes no difference if your book looks bad.
You can write the best words in the world, but it makes no difference if your book looks bad.
Everybody makes mistakes, but most problems can be fixed.
Identify real problems with your business and make meaningful changes.
Step away from the screen to improve productivity and wellbeing.
Some habits make it harder to succeed. Here are the ones to avoid!
Take a step back from your business to discover where your profit truly lies.
Almost everyone who starts writing a book won’t finish. Here’s how to make sure you finish yours.
Sometimes you need to think outside the box to get ahead.
Leverage isn’t just a financial term – it’s also a way for authors to get ahead.
Every big company has a branding guide. You should too!
A good cover can sell a book. Here’s why book cover design matters.
Sometimes we have to write about topics we haven’t experienced ourselves – here’s how to avoid offence.
Hello Books can get your novels into the hands of thousands of new readers.
Ghostwriting can be a great way to anonymously support an indie business.
Sometimes pausing is the fastest way forward.
Leaving the 9-to-5 can be risky unless you’re properly prepared.
Author business can be derailed by the unexpected. Here’s here to disaster-proof yourself.
NFTs are a new form of product, but how can authors utilise them?
Influencer can determine who tops the book charts. Here’s how to reach out to them.
There are plenty of scams out there – here’s how to check your publishers.