Two years after getting laid off from her hospital job, Britt Andrew’s books have made over half a million dollars.
Two years after getting laid off from her hospital job, Britt Andrew’s books have made over half a million dollars.
Ricardo Fayet co-founded Reedsy, an online marketplace offering every service an indie author could ever need. But did you know they also support the SPF Foundation?
Mikey Campling loves writing whodunnits, but it’s no mystery as to which courses contributed to his success.
SPF Foundation Winner, Jeffrey P. Frye recounts his unorthodox – and compelling – route into self-publishing.
Indie author and SPF Foundation winner Elle Thorpe explains how becoming an SPF 101 student has impacted her book sales and family’s income.
A mini Charlotte Bronte book goes on show, the year ahead in (trad) publishing, and the SPF Foundation winners are announced.
eBooks2go raises £1,000,000 in investment, and the SPF Foundation winners are announced.
Barnes & Noble allow advertising, PublishDrive helps authors keep their royalties, and the SPF Foundation closes very soon.
Sci-fi writers predict the corporate future, a new Nook, and the SPF Foundation is open for its second year.
This week we get to chat to the first three recipients of Self-Publishing Formula’s Foundation scholarships who discuss their writing, book marketing and future career hopes.
PATREON: Self Publishing Formula Podcast’s Patreon page
James Blatch and Lucy Dawson introduce the Self Publishing Formula Foundation, a partnership with Reedsy, that will help four authors each year to fulfill their dream of publishing and marketing their books.
More information about the Self Publishing Formula Foundation
Self Publishing Formula Patreon page
Do What You Can’t video – Casey Neistat