SPF-093: From Teacher to Writer in One Year – with Cecelia Mecca

Medieval romance author Cecelia Mecca started out thinking she’d traditionally publish her books. A chat with an indie author at an RWA conference changed Cedelia’s mind and a year later she’s a full-time author, working at home and in full command of her author career.

This week’s highlights include:

  • Picking up a manuscript after 20 years and starting again
  • Learning about independent publishing – and changing directions
  • Genre research and writing in a small genre niche
  • Strategies for building a new author business
  • Thoughts around the pros and cons of free as a marketing strategy
  • The importance of finding the right editor

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Ads for Authors Course – INFO/PURCHASE link

Nov 21, 2017: Free Webinar with Mark about Advertising Strategies REGISTER HERE

Self Publishing Formula Patreon page

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