SPF-147: The Million Dollar Indie Author – with Shayne Silvers

Urban fantasy author Shayne Silvers shares the book writing and marketing strategies he’s used that have turned him from a banker into a seven-figure author.

This week’s highlights include:

  • Mark and James on the importance of adaptation given the recent changes to Also Boughts at Amazon
  • Scaling ad spend up rationally and in a measured way
  • The very hard work it takes to build an author career
  • Choosing a genre based on what we read
  • How Shayne separates his writing time from his marketing time
  • Segmenting a mailing list based on reader interests and response to ads
  • What happens when your fans create a convention for you?

Resources mentioned in this episode:

PATREON: Self Publishing Formula Podcast’s Patreon page

ADS FOR AUTHORS: SPF’s flagship course is open for enrollment for a limited time.

FREE SPF AMAZON ADS WEBINAR: Listen / watch the replay from Wednesday’s webinar.

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