Returning guest, Cecelia Mecca, talks to James about using Facebook Live broadcasts, with both groups and pages, to increase engagement with readers.
This week’s highlights include:
- Mark discusses his move into KU and the experience he’s had
- An announcement about the next enrollment period for the SPF 101 course
- Dealing with technological jitters re: being on camera for Facebook Lives
- Cecelia’s targets for how many Lives she does each week and why
- Equipment and apps to assist with Facebook Live
- An addition to the SPF 101 curriculum – a course by Cecelia about FB Live
- Is this FB Live strategy have an influence on Cecelia’s book sales?
Resources mentioned in this episode:
PATREON: Self Publishing Formula Podcast’s Patreon page
FREE PDF: Celia’s useful FB Live Prep Sheet
FREE BOOK: Pinterest for Authors