SPS-158: Dracula’s Back: Being a Hybrid Author – with J.D. Barker

JD Barker paid his dues ghostwriting for others and found himself on the NY time bestseller list, long before his name began appearing on books. Now he’s a hybrid author, publishing his books both independently and via traditional publishers. He talks to James about this, about working with Hollywood on film and TV projects, and about carrying on Bram Stoker’s stories.

This week’s highlights include:

  • An update on progress with James’ book
  • On JD’s beginnings interviewing rock and pop stars for media outlets
  • Getting onto the NY Times bestseller list as a ghostwriter
  • Connecting with Stephen King and getting positive feedback
  • On working with James Patterson
  • The importance of quality when publishing independently
  • Weighing up the pros of cons of going with a trad publisher
  • Working with Hollywood on film and TV projects

Resources mentioned in this episode:

PATREON: Self Publishing Formula Show’s Patreon page

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