SPF-148: Hitting the Right Notes with Non-Fiction – with Joseph Alexander

Guitar tutor and self-published millionaire Joseph Alexander discusses his new book, which aims to help new indie authors navigate the winding road of publishing our own books.

This week’s highlights include:

  • Upcoming deadline for applications for the 2019 SPF Foundation grants
  • The beginnings of Joseph cornering the market on guitar instruction books
  • The advantages of using ads with non-fiction
  • Using Amazon like an internet engine
  • Getting input from the trad publishing industry for Joseph’s new book
  • The power of starting out indie if you later want a trad deal
  • On the support indie authors need

Resources mentioned in this episode:

PATREON: Self Publishing Formula Podcast’s Patreon page

SPF FOUNDATION: Submit your application for the 2019 author grant

JOSEPH’S WEBSITE: Support for new indie authors at

JOSEPH’S NEW BOOK: Self-Published Millionaire: The Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Publishing and Marketing Your First Book

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