Writing is decision-making – here’s how to make the right choices.
Writing is decision-making – here’s how to make the right choices.
Overworking oneself can lead to burnout and less productivity. Practice self-care for authors.
It’s only after publishing that authors realise the mistakes they’ve made.
Following successful authors’ routines doesn’t guarantee success – but it can teach you good habits.
Your newsletter is a powerful tool. Here’s how to improve it!
Last week’s blog post explored a few ways authors can generate and stress-test fiction ideas. Non-fiction, by comparison, is often a more methodical affair.
It’s hard enough coming up with good book ideas. But which will actually sell?
Each website comes with a unique set of algorithms that can make or break a publishing process.
Many authors outsource work to freelancers. But can that work be more efficient?
You can write the best words in the world, but it makes no difference if your book looks bad.
Everybody makes mistakes, but most problems can be fixed.
Identify real problems with your business and make meaningful changes.
Step away from the screen to improve productivity and wellbeing.
Some habits make it harder to succeed. Here are the ones to avoid!
Take a step back from your business to discover where your profit truly lies.
Almost everyone who starts writing a book won’t finish. Here’s how to make sure you finish yours.
Sometimes you need to think outside the box to get ahead.
Leverage isn’t just a financial term – it’s also a way for authors to get ahead.
Every big company has a branding guide. You should too!
A good cover can sell a book. Here’s why book cover design matters.