Identify and sever inhibitions that might hold back your author career.
Identify and sever inhibitions that might hold back your author career.
Find out which parts keep your readers turning the page and which parts switch them off.
More books equals more sales. Here are five ways to maximise your series readthrough.
There’s a big difference between writing as a hobby and writing for a living.
Bootstrapping doesn’t always mean bad quality. Here’s how to publish successfully on a budget.
Indie authors have to do so much these days. Don’t worry if you’re overwhelmed – here’s how to stay both ahead and sane.
You already know why you should reach all 7 billion readers around the world – here’s how you can.
Amazon covers 13 out of 195 countries around the world. You do the maths.
Not all machines want to enslave us.
Without having to reduce your wardrobe to identical turtleneck sweaters.
The replay of Alex Newton’s SPFU webinar is online, and Donald Trump Jr. chooses to self-publish his next book.
A VICE journalist discovers that self-publishing isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, and the importance of doing thorough research.
How to connect with other authors… without leaving your home.
Build a support network from those closest to you.
Add some structure to your day.
A brief one this week: black voices in publishing.
How to keep productive during these unprecedented times.
The British Book Award nominates an indie author, and Ads Automation for Authors is available to watch now.
It’s what we do that defines us.
The trad publishing industry continues to struggle, and Ads for Authors closes tonight.