Short stories are usually harder to sell, yet many authors are writing together in anthologies. Why?
Short stories are usually harder to sell, yet many authors are writing together in anthologies. Why?
It’s hard to stay motivated forever. Here’s how to reignite your passion for writing.
Writing books can be quite a static job. Here’s how (and why) you should keep physically active.
It’s important to craft a world readers can lose themselves in. Here’s how!
More authors are co-writing books than ever. Here’s how to avoid some common pitfalls!
Some indie authors feel as if they have to take everything on themselves. Here’s how to train a VA.
Tune in to discover how to sell audiobooks through every major distributor worldwide.
Amazon have made their A+ Content available to all authors – but what is it?
Stories are what the human mind uses to understand the world – both the good and the bad. David Chrissinger explains.
Selling individual books has been an industry staple for centuries. Here are some new ways to make money.
Every manuscript needs to go through editing. The question is, what kind does yours need?
Literary Fiction often stands apart from genre fiction… but what actually defines it?
It’s easy to forget about all the other retailers when Amazon (seemingly) dominates your income.
For a special 300th episode of the Self Publishing Show, Mark and James take a look back at some of the highlights and industry changes of the past six years.
It can be frustrating having to write around a day job. Here’s how to cope and even enjoy yourself before you make it big.
Ricardo Fayet co-founded Reedsy, an online marketplace offering every service an indie author could ever need. But did you know they also support the SPF Foundation?
Becoming an indie author can be overwhelming. Here are five skills every indie author needs to learn.
So you’ve had a successful month – here’s how to maintain a consistent author income.
Fed up of using half a dozen different tools to produce a book? Atticus might be the answer.
What authors want and what readers want aren’t always the same – the importance of balancing art with commerce.