Stephanie Chandler quit a Silicon Valley job to open a bookstore. Now she helps non-fiction authors find their audience!
Stephanie Chandler quit a Silicon Valley job to open a bookstore. Now she helps non-fiction authors find their audience!
Identify real problems with your business and make meaningful changes.
Cara Alwin always wished she had a mentor, so now she writes self-help books to encourage other women to pursue their dreams.
Mary Lee Prescott is happily busy working on her second career. Writing used to be a hobby but now that she’d ‘retired’ she’s working full steam ahead in both the mystery and romance genres.
Take a step back from your business to discover where your profit truly lies.
SPS Live! is back in London for 2022 – this time for a two-day run. This episode recaps the wide variety of speakers and presentations on offer ahead of the launch of the show’s recorded sessions.
Almost everyone who starts writing a book won’t finish. Here’s how to make sure you finish yours.
How writer and illustrator Daniel Jude Miller makes a living entirely through school visits.
As a member of the Choctaw tribe, Sarah explains the importance of writing characters sensitively and authentically.
Sometimes you need to think outside the box to get ahead.
Lilian Sue is a PR coach and publicist helping authors develop healthy mindsets and strategies.
Kobo’s Tara Cremin explains why you’re leaving millions of readers on the table.
Every big company has a branding guide. You should too!
Currently teaching a writing course at Cambridge University, Sophie Hannah discusses the publishing routes available to new authors.
Military Aviator Nicholas Narbutovskih talks sci-fi, writing for video games and NFTs.
Chrissy Metge isn’t just an author of children’s books – she also works on the special effects for some of Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters.
Julia had to flee Ukraine due to the war, yet MiblArt’s work as a book cover design company continues.
Ace author website designer, Stuart Grant, explains why every author needs a site and how to go about securing one that’s going to help you sell more books.
Sometimes pausing is the fastest way forward.
Two years on and it’s back! Mark and James talk you through the exciting schedule for this year’s upcoming two-day SPS event in London.