SPF-140: Keeping It Clean – with Anne-Marie Meyer
Best selling sweet romance author Anne-Marie Meyer talks to James about learning the ropes of writing, the importance of nailing your genre, and balancing writing with parenthood and marriage.
This week’s highlights include:
- Writing the first book that teaches you how to write
- The vacuum created by 50 Shades of Grey and the new categories Amazon created as a result
- Communicating to readers what genre your book fits into with cover, title and other marketing tools
- The difference between a trope and a cliche
- On being a pantser and a planner
- Writing speed that comes with being familiar with a genre
- Learning about book marketing
Resources mentioned in this episode:
PATREON: Self Publishing Formula Podcast’s Patreon page
WRITING GALS PODCAST: Anne-Marie hosts a podcast about sweet romance with 3 other authors