A self-published author gets a Netflix deal, BAM! closes down, and the SPF 101 course goes live tonight.
A self-published author gets a Netflix deal, BAM! closes down, and the SPF 101 course goes live tonight.
L.J. Shen reveals how she managed to get 1400 reviews within a month of launching her latest novel.
Danny Boyle’s new film seems to rip off a self-published story, a much-hyped traditionally published book bombs in the UK, and you can now listen to Mark’s BBC appearance.
Do you write with nothing but a vague premise in mind? Or do you map out every little detail of their novel before ever putting pen to paper?
The Self Publishing Show passes the one million download mark, and Mark Dawson promotes self-publishing on BBC Radio 4.
The three Bs: Brands, Backlists and Box Sets.
The shortlist for the Selfies Awards is revealed, Spotify invests in podcasting, and Humble the Poet goes from self to traditionally published.
Making a change in the hope of reaching a goal can be tricky. That’s why setting yourself a target can be so effective… and even more so when that target actually means something to you.
Amazon pushed back at report on author earnings, an asylum-seeker wins the top Australian literary prize, and an author has over half of their books optioned for films.
Learn which parts you can skimp on, and what you can’t afford to miss out.
Barnes & Noble allow advertising, PublishDrive helps authors keep their royalties, and the SPF Foundation closes very soon.
From the London Book Fair to 20 Books Vegas, and everything in between.
A new piece of software helps you focus on your writing, the best ways to create a long-tail book promotion, and we rank amongst the top 100 writing websites of the year.
You don’t have to become a bestseller to make use of your writing skills.
US authors earn less than ever, EMS platforms are ranked, and children’s books come to life.
Sometimes three heads are better than one.
BookBub Ads success stories, Forbes is developing an AI to write its articles, and the best bookselling street in London.
How an introvert can conquer their fear and take centre stage.
The Cover Design Award winners are in, and just how big is Amazon’s empire?
Make becoming an author your new year’s resolution.